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Gotthardstrasse 1
5630 Muri (Aargau)

Details zu Firma HEGGLI & GUBLER AG

Heggli & Gubler is one of the high-tech players in the metal spinning sector. We supply a large proportion of our products to the aeronautics, electrical, biotechnology, chemical and process industries. Within this context, we process materials such as chromium-nickel steels, Hastelloy or Inconel for turbine construction and, of course, all conventional metals as well. We invest continually in new production facilities and continually develop the expertise of our employees.


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Production techniques

  • Metal spinning
  • Deep drawing
  • Punching
  • Welding
  • Turning
  • Milling
  • Grinding

Metal Spinning

Anything round is clearly a job for Heggli & Gubler AG. Whether the part you need is small or large, we can meet your requirements with our extensive machinery. As one of the leading companies for metal spinning services, we are the right partner for you – from prototypes and custom one-off items right through to entire series.

B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz

Deep drawing

Our deep drawing press has a maximum capacity of 300 tonnes and is ideal for use in combination with and as an addition to metal spinning. The drawing press can be used not only for small and large batch production but also for individual prototypes and custom products. Our drawing press creates drawn parts of the utmost quality.


B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz


Our eccentric punches are vital for providing additional services for our metal spun parts. From holes and punched patterns through to special contours, our eccentric presses are always the perfect option. With capacities ranging from 40 to 100 tonnes, we can accommodate a wide range of preferences and requirements.

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Welding has become one of the most important additional services offered by Heggli & Gubler AG, as many spun metal parts require further processing and have to be provided with flanges and piping. Our welding installations are state-of-the-art and are constantly being adapted in line with customer requirements.

B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz


At Heggli & Gubler AG, turning is used for various purposes – firstly, for making metal spinning tools and, secondly, for pre-machining, finishing and further processing spun metal parts. We use both conventional lathes and CNC machines for this.

B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma SchweizB2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz



For the machining of metal spun parts, we rely on our modern four-axis machining centre.


- 3-axle machine for jobs involving sizes up to 2,000 x 800 x 800 mm

- 4+1-axle simultaneous machine for jobs involving sizes up to 1,350 x 640 x 660 mm

B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz


At the finishing stage, any sharp edges, welding seams and unevenness on the metal spun parts are ground by machine or hand to create a smooth result.

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HEGGLI & GUBLER AG in 5630 Muri auf für die Schweiz

Die Firma HEGGLI & GUBLER AG aus 5630 Muri auf für die Schweiz: Die Firma HEGGLI & GUBLER AG ist Anbieter, Lieferant, Händler, Großhändler, Produzent, Hersteller und / oder Dienstleister für die Produkte, Leistungen, Branchen und Anwendungsbereiche, die in den obigen Keywords oder im Text zur Firmenbeschreibung aufgeführt sind, wie z.B. Metal spinning, Deep drawing, Punching, Welding und Turning.

In der Firmenbeschreibung erfahren Sie, ob die Firma das anbietet, was Sie suchen und brauchen. Informieren Sie sich über Losgrößen und / oder Liefermengen oder (bei Fertigungsbetrieben) ob Prototypenbau, Einzelteilfertigung, Kleinstserien, Kleinserien, Mittelserien, Großserien, u.s.w. angeboten wird. Erfragen Sie verwendete Werkstoffe und Materialien oder Fertigungsverfahren und ob auch Lohnfertigung oder Auftragsfertigung mit oder ohne Vorbehandlung und Nachbearbeitung angeboten wird. Fragen Sie auch nach Baugruppenfertigung, Baugruppenmontage oder Gerätefertigung / Gerätebau.

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Firmen Schweiz für  Metal spinning,  Deep drawing,  Punching,  Welding und  Turning: HEGGLI & GUBLER AG 5630 Muri

Gotthardstrasse 1
5630 Muri (Aargau)

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Dienstag : 08:00 - 17:00

Mittwoch : 08:00 - 17:00

Donnerstag : 08:00 - 17:00

Freitag : 08:00 - 17:00



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